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Test for Radon During National Radon Action Month

Date Published: 01/02/2020 [Source]

Take action this January during National Radon Action Month by testing your home for radon. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment provides a free test kit for Colorado residents while supplies last.

In Colorado, roughly 50% of homes have unhealthy radon levels; that's equivalent to every person in the home having 200 chest x-rays every year. This compares with only 6% of homes having unhealthy radon levels across the rest of the country.

Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible gas that decays into radioactive particles and increases the risk of lung cancer for those living with radon trapped inside their homes. Radon exposure causes as many as 500 lung cancer deaths every year in Colorado.

Testing is simple and inexpensive, and when problems are discovered, they're easier to fix than you'd think. Winter is a great time to test for radon because homes are closed up, and short-term testing can be done easily.