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February: National Cancer Prevention Month

Date Published: 02/02/2020 [Source]

In some cases, cancer is the combination of a variety of factors, in others, it can be attributed to genetics or a specific carcinogen. Regardless, there are preventative measures one can take to reduce the chances of a cancer diagnosis. National Cancer Prevention Month is recognized throughout February, and identifying what leads to cancer could mean all the difference for your health.

Lung cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the U.S., with a little over 2 million cases in 2018 alone. While there are elements that contribute to this cancer, radon stands as the number one reason for diagnosis. The Environmental Protection Agency notes that "[r]adon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer [and] is inert, colorless and odorless." Radon is found in homes, offices, schools, and other buildings. This gas is present in trace amounts outside, but if given the chance to concentrate inside, or anywhere someone may be trapped inhaling it over long durations, it becomes a threat.

Prevention starts with being proactive. Understanding your family health history, scheduling annual doctor visits, and planning screening tests can all help to better protect yourself. Exercise and cardiovascular wellness are also critical to prevention. Vaccines and awareness of bodily changes and symptoms also help. While cancer is unpredictable, you can promote your health and raise awareness which will prolong malignant tumor development.